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6th NordicRAS Workshop

The 6th Workshop on Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) was held at Scandic Ishavshotel, Tromsø, Norway 3-4 October 2023 with 200 participants from 20 countries.

The workshop was organized by the Nordic Network on Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (NordicRAS) and the Technical University of Denmark (DTU Aqua) in cooperation with University of Tromsø (UiT). In addition, session V on “Diseases and Welfare in RAS” was organized in collaboration with the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU).

In continuation of the workshop, a guided technical tour was organized on October 5, 2023, visiting Elvevoll Settefisk and UiT's and Nofima’s newly build RAS training and research centre (RASforsk).

Workshop sessions

  • RAS in the Nordic Periphery
  • New approaches in RAS
  • Water quality in RAS
  • Ongrowing in RAS - experiences & challenges
  • Diseases and welfare in RAS
  • H2S and geosmine in RAS

Invited speakers

  • Matthijs van den Boogaard, SalMar Settefisk AS, Norway: Challenges encountered and lessons learned operating large scale commercial RAS systems in Norway
  • Arvid Pedersen, Grieg Seafood Finnmark, Norway: A brief history of RAS, from the top of Europe
  • Per Anthon Sæther, Åkerblå AS, Norway: Status, challenges and solutions related to system design and operation in RAS
  • Jens Petri Petersen, Skagen Salmon, Denmark: Why RAS will be a greater part of future fish farming
  • Helgi Thor Thorarensen, UiT, Norway: Growth in land-based aquaculture of Atlantic salmon in Iceland
  • Lisbeth Lindenskov Joensen, Bakkafrost, Faroe Islands: Atlantic salmon RAS in the Faroe Islands
  • Tommi Makinen, Finnforel, Finland: Finnforel, ultimate circularity
  • Torbjörn Ranta, Arctic Roe, Sweden: Swedish RAS sturgeon farming – competing with global open-water sturgeon farms against all odds
  • Martin Vestergaard, SWIFISH AG, Switzerland: 15 years of RAS experiences with pikeperch in DK and CH
  • Bram Rohaan, Kingfish Zeeland, Netherlands: Growing yellowtail kingfish in saltwater RAS – the story so far
  • Julia Fossberg Buhaug, Lerøy Seafood Group, Norway: Fish health and welfare in RAS – Experiences from production in Lerøy’s RAS facilities

Book of Abstracts

Download the Book of Abstracts of the workshop in 2023






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