Workshop 2017

The 4th Workshop on Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) took place in Aalborg, Denmark 12-13 October 2017 with 225 participants from 24 countries.

In continuation of the workshop, an excursion was organized on 14 October 2017 to Sashimi Royal’s new modular, fully recirculating saltwater plant at Hanstholm which produces yellowtail kingfish. In addition, there was a visit to Christiansminde Dambrug near Holstebro  a model fish farm which features an advanced water treatment system. 

The workshop was organised by the Nordic Network on Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (NordicRAS) and Technical University of Denmark (DTU Aqua).

Workshop sessions

  • Water quality in RAS
  • On-growing of different species in RAS
  • Waste treatment
  • Particles and fish health in RAS
  • Gases and online monitoring
  • Saltwater RAS - organized by The Aquaculture Engineering Society (AES)

Keynote speakers

  • Prof. dr. ir. Willy Verstraete,Center for Microbial Ecology and Technology (CMET), Ghent University, Belgium: Internationally recognised expert in microbial resource management, ie the design, operation and control of processes mediated by mixed microbial  cultures.

  • Senior Research Scientist, PhD, Mark Darryn Powell,Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA), Norway:Internationally recognised expert in gill health and gill diseases, cardio-respiratory physiology and pathology of fish.

Aquacultural Engineering special issue 

As for the previous workshops, a special issue of Aquacultural Engineering based on selected presentations at the workshop in 2017 has been published.

Previous special issues of Aquaculture Engineering: 

Book of Abstracts

Download the Book of Abstracts of the workshop in 2017





Main sponsors



Logo for Nordic Co-operation, Nordic Council of Ministers.






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27 JULY 2024