Governmental organisations

List of network members from governmental organisations

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Name Title  Organisation Areas of interest 
Bijoy Kumar Ghosh
Assistant Professor in Zoology
Kobi Nazrul Government College, Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Bangladesh
Fish Migration - Fish Passage - Ecohydrology - Aquatic Ecology - Open Water Fisheries Management
Cecilie Sviland Walde
Researcher Norwegian Veterinary Institute, Norway Diseases in RAS
Chandan Chetri
  National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB), India
Fish seed - Hatcheries management - Intensive Aquaculture - Recirculating Aquaculture
Clas Mellby
Business Development
Uddevalla Municipality, Sweden
Establishment of RAS-business, especially aquaponics 
Damien Toner
BIM, Ireland
Digory Hulse Senior Technical Officer DPIPWE Biosecure Fish Facility, Australia Biofiltration - RAS - Salmon - Vaccine development
Dominic Marcotte
Engineer MAPAQ (Quebec Agriculture and Fisheries department), Canada
Aquaculture development - Biofiltration - Oxygenation - Recirculating aquaculture systems 
Gustav Basedow Aquaculture Engineer Regierung von Oberbayern, Germany / Bavaria IMTA - Marine and freshwater aquaculture - New species development – RAS - Zooplankton, copepods, makroalgae and marine agriculture
Hanne Nilsen
Veterinarian / Researcher
Norwegian Veterinary Institute, Norway
Fish bacteriology - Fish diseases
Henner Neuhaus Dr. med. vet. Institute for Fish and Fishery Products, Lower Saxony State Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety, Germany Animal welfare - Control of fish diseases in RAS - Food safety - Management of hygiene
Hilary Karlson Consultant Bioøkonomisk Vækstcenter, Guldborgsund Municipality, Denmark
Innovation - Fish - Micro algae - RAS - Shrimp - South Baltic Region - Sustainable environment
Izabela Alias Aquaculture Coordinator Swedish Board of Agriculture, Sweden Aquaculture development - BAT/BEP - Legislation - Marketing
Jani Pulkkinen
Research scientist Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Finland Environmental impacts - Microbes in RAS Online water quality monitoring - Water quality
Juan Battaglia Aljaro DMV Dr., Veterinary medicine doctor
SANIPES, Perú Aquaculture - Aquaculture promotion - Aquaponics - Commercial farms - Fish farming - Trout culture - Tropical  commercial farms
K. Aadhavan
 Engineer Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Aquaculture (RGCA), India
Facility designing - RAS 
Ms. Directorate of cold water fisheries, DCFR-ICAR, India
Cold water fisheries research - common diseases - Freshwater rainbow trout
Krishnakumar Menon
Mr.  Department of President's Affairs, United Arab Emirates
Grouper - Marine finfish hatchery - RAS - RAS grow-out
Kristaps Pilskalns
Senior Desk Officer
Ministry of Agriculture, Latvia Fisheries - Policy development
Malin Fagerkull
Project Coordinator
Invest in Norrbotten, Sweden
Development - Fish farming - Investments - RAS
Michelle Mortensen
Ministry of Environment of Denmark
Climate - Environment - RAS - Regulation - Technology
Mizanur Rahaman Fisheries Officer Department of Fisheries, Bangladesh Land based profitable fish & prawn/shrimp culture
Owolabi Folashade

Federal Institute of Industrial Research Oshodi, Nigeria Aquaculture - Value added products - Value chain
Per Christer Lund Director
Innovation NorwayNorway
Business development - RAS - Sustainability

Timothy J. Pfeiffer

Research Scientist
USDA Agricultural Research ServiceUSA
Aquaculture - Recirculation technology - Biofiltration - Aeration
Vikas Pattath
11 DECEMBER 2024